Encourage Support to Increase Funding for Adult Education

The Literacy Council along with adult education agencies across the state are encouraging staff, tutors, students, family, and friends to write letters to their legislators, urging them to support the increase in funding to adult and family literacy education programs.

To find your legislator visit www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator

Here is a sample letter from a former Literacy Council student:

I am writing to you as a former student of adult education classes in Pennsylvania. When I first arrived in Pennsylvania, I was stuck in low-paying jobs. When I started a family, my jobs did not always provide healthcare and I could not always afford health benefits for my child.

I knew there was one thing I needed to do to make a better life for myself and my family. I had to learn English. I could never have been able to afford to pay for English classes. That is why I am so grateful that there were free classes available in my community. Although I owe some of my success to self-motivation, I know I would not be where I am without the opportunity to attend free English classes.

Now, I have a good job where I earn a life-sustaining wage, I have benefits that cover both me and my child, I own a home and I can actively participate in my child’s education. Every day I run into someone like me who is seeking to improve his or her life. Please support Governor Wolf’s proposed increase in funding for adult education programs so that more adults can have the same opportunity that I did.