Our MISSION is to provide OPPORTUNITIES for SUCCESS through lifelong learning,
and learning for life.
We stand in solidarity
We stand in solidarity with any and all organizations that denounce and condemn any acts of racism, injustice, hatred and violence that continue to be experienced by Black Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, and the Jewish community in our local communities and throughout the nation.
Lifelong Learning at the Literacy & Learning Success Centers!
As we fine-tuned our strategic priorities identified last year, we focused on the theme of Pathways to Success, illustrating the connection between adult basic literacy education and workforce development. Our report highlights our programs and our people; our grant and community partners, donors, volunteers, staff, board--and most importantly, our students. Our mission, vision, and values are the core of our organization as we continue to provide opportunities for success through lifelong learning and learning for life. Click below and enjoy the read!